Is Brexit Good for Britain?

Brexit panel photo 6-13-16
The American Conservative Union (ACU) and its foundation held a panel discussion on the topic of Brexit: The Collapse of the EU and Its Impact on America in the Cannon Caucus Room on June 13, 2016. The panelists were Nile Gardiner, Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation, Steve Hilton, former senior advisor to U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, and KT McFarland, ACU Foundation Senior Fellow. Continue reading

“I’ve lived in Your Future and It Did Not Work”

Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky, a Russian writer born in 1942 but educated at Cambridge, was a dissident in the Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1970s. Because he exposed the Soviet practice of jailing political prisoners in psychiatric institutions, the young Russian was sentenced to twelve years (1964-1976) in prison, labor camps, and psychiatric wards under the brutal Soviet regime that did not allow any dissenting opinions. He was released to the West in 1976. Continue reading