It Takes an Algorithm To Know a Lot About You

“I believe the primary role of the state is to teach, train, and raise children. Parents have a secondary role.”
– Hillary Clinton, “It Takes a Village”

Sci-fi movies like Minority Report, with a trio of psychics called “recogs” who can see “pre-visions” of crimes yet to be committed, setting in motion a Pre Crime Unit, came to mind when reading about China’s effort to detect “pre-crime.” Continue reading

Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective

“Our Children Belong to the Collective” is a phrase that brings back bad memories and nightmares for survivors of communism. It is alarming when an MSNBC host says that your kid belongs to the collective. I’ve seen and experienced Hillary’s global village of “collective” children and did not like it. I do not like Agenda 21’s “collectivism,” global citizens, or Hillary’s secular village raising our children – it is a frightening prospect.
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