The Tyranny of the Oppressed and of Minorities

“We condemn freedom of speech that hurts other people’s feelings” – student poster photographed at a rally in California
Half of the U.S. population believes that it is a good idea and high time that our country became socialist, on the way to communism. We are told ad nauseam by the highly organized Marxist left that the other communist countries that failed so miserably, oppressed their own people, and killed millions of them, failed because they did not do it the right way. What this “right way” is, nobody really understands or can even attempt to explain. But they repeat it because it sounds right and progressively utopian. Continue reading

Political Correctness Gone Crazy

I’ve wondered for the longest time why Americans remain silent to the massive “fundamental transformation” of our country by a minority of well-organized progressives who use any means necessary to attain their communistic ends, including the phony notion of “white privilege” in the most tolerant nation on the planet. Continue reading

So Tolerant, We Are Stupid, or Vice Versa

John Kerry said to a crowded internet café in Berlin, “In America you have the right to be stupid, if you want to be… and we tolerate that.” Let me translate. Conservatives, you have the right to be wrong, and we, liberals, tolerate your right to be wrong. I would like to add that you also have the right to open your mouth and eliminate any doubt of stupidity.
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