Illegal Aliens from Failed Socialist Economies or War Refugees?

As our government is insanely arranging flights at taxpayer expense for Honduran children so that they don’t have to make a dangerous trek across Mexico and pay coyotes $5,000 to invade our country illegally, their president is smiling, making no excuses for his inept and corrupt administration or the fact that this “refugee” airlift will encourage a continuous flow of illegal immigration to grow the ranks of Democrat voters in the U.S., moving large numbers of Hondurans and displacing American citizens.
A correspondent named Robert proposed a solution that the main stream media is not willing to discuss. He suggested that the illegal immigrant children now baptized “refugees” of war by the United Nations be reunited with their parents and guardians who should then be immediately arrested for child abuse and endangerment. Such parents should be placed on a watch list and never allowed to enter the United States, never be issued a visa, and never be permitted to apply for permanent residence or American citizenship. Continue reading

Loss of Sovereignty Disguised as Compassion

“There are seven things that will destroy us: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, religion without sacrifice, politics without principle, science without humanity, business without ethics.” – Mahatma Gandhi

southern borderA Kauai man was sentenced to one year probation and a $200 fine on May 29, 2014 for letting his 8 year old son walk one mile home as punishment for getting in trouble at school. I wondered what the progressive courts would do to American parents who would allow their minor children to trek unaccompanied across Mexico, hanging on trains, on buses, walking with a coyote, in order to arrive in a more prosperous country where welfare and economic security would await them through the generosity of a president who decided to nullify the southern border? Social services and progressives don’t seem to have any words of criticism for such neglectful parenting. On the contrary, they are praising their courage. I would not exactly call this type of parental abuse courage. Continue reading

The Tragedy of the Regime’s Social Engineering

It is so sad to watch Latin American children used as human props for political gain by our government, intent on forcing America into a third world status and more diversification.
It is even sadder to see that so many parents were so deluded and irresponsible that they sent their children in the company of coyotes who, for a fee, dropped them at the border, to be then bused and flown by our government to locations around the country. In transit these children were potentially abused and sexually molested.
Our own border patrol officers and doctors, under the threat of being fired, have to play nannies and babysitters to so many children who have been sent alone across the entire country of Mexico. Continue reading

Dangerous Health Issues Associated with Illegal Immigration

America is fast becoming a Hispanic Zimbabwe.”
immigration diseasesA very sweet and polite lady I do not know, posted a heart-breaking comment to my recent statement that entitlements are benefits that Social Security recipients and veterans collect after having earned and paid for them during a life time of work. On the other hand, welfare such as food stamps, WIC, SNAP, EBT, and earned income tax credit are not entitlements; they are taxpayer-funded handouts or, as economists call them, “negative income taxes,” aimed at funding the “war on poverty.” We have lost this war on poverty in spite of trillions of dollars spent because handouts disincentivize humans to work. Additionally, unskilled jobs or jobs requiring lesser training are harder to find because illegal competitors work for less.
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How Long Before the Founding Fathers’ America Disappears?

Courtesy: CFP

Courtesy: CFP

One of my readers sadly remarked that this is no longer America that she grew up in. And the change that occurred at a dizzying pace happened relatively overnight. It was not a gradual transformation born by normal change over time; it was a fundamental forced transformation from a constitutional republic to a rule by a corporatist and international banking oligarchy that pulls the strings of the former branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial.
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Amnesty, American Values, and Economic Dependency

Ellis Island Immigrants Ellis Island Immigrants
In the ongoing battle about amnesty for illegal aliens, one recurring theme has been “these are not American values,” meaning that we have to bestow citizenship on these people who broke our laws because they are already here, we can’t send them back, it’s un-American. This question should be asked, what are the American values the proponents of amnesty on both sides of the isle in Congress are referring to?
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The Incredible Legal Immigrants

Ellis Island ImmigrantsI am always fascinated by legal immigrants who left their loved ones and their homes behind, came to this country, and made America a special place unlike any other on earth. Their individual stories of true grit and endurance in the face of adversity gives our American citizens their unique character and cultural fabric.
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On Being A Xenophobe

Humans are creatures of habit and do not like to uproot – unless of course, you are an American with a sense of adventure and pioneer blood cursing through your veins. With its vast lands, lakes, rivers, prairies, and mountains, mobility in America by any means is not a problem. Ask the die-hard pioneers who braved snow, rain, mud, droughts, deserts, mountains, wild animals, and predatory outlaws to find their magical piece of land where they could settle and raise a family.
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The Scam of Amnesty, a Political Hot Potato

“You can’t have open borders as long as you have a welfare state.” – Milton Friedman

As a legal immigrant who waited patiently across the ocean to receive my permission to immigrate to the U.S., I understand the plight of over four million forgotten legal immigrants who are awaiting patiently the disposition of their cases, while the Immigration office works the backlog of applications, some as old as twenty years.
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