Communism Revisited – Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

“Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.” – Lenin’s formula as presented by the Communist Party Program of the Soviet Union, p. 62



The draft of the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was presented to the Communist Party’s Twenty -Second Congress in October 1961. Crosscurrents Press in New York published it in English “as an aid to everyone wanting to understand the plans and intentions of those who lead and govern the Soviet Union.” It was a time when the Cold War highlighted the existential fight between communism and capitalism, separated by an invisible red line in the sand. Continue reading

“We’ve Proven that Communism Works”

Building the Wall Building the Berlin Wall
It is no surprise that young people are enamored of communism. Their teachers have been indoctrinating them for years into the utopia of “social justice,” “environmental justice,” the “evil” middle class, and the spectacular equality for all as envisioned by Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Continue reading

Communism Then and Now

We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” – Chris Hedges

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the way of achieving the same ultimate goal: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by voting. It’s the same difference between murder and suicide.” – Ayn Rand

The crumbling communist era grocery store is still standing. Photo credit: Ileana Johnson 2012

The crumbling communist era grocery store is still standing.
Photo credit: Ileana Johnson 2012

A pamphlet published by Alfred G. Meyer at Harvard in 1953, and designed to teach young people about the subversion and evils of communism, revealed that “communists in disguise have slipped into influential places in our country.” At that time, the movement was modest, with little influence, and a membership of 35,000 people, about 1/50 of one percent of the population. At its membership height, there were around 200,000 communists in the U.S. It is hard to estimate a number today, however, judging by those who are constantly in the limelight and voting for communist policies, the numbers are growing.
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Shameless Communist Propaganda from the Left

DSC01153 Photo credit: Ileana Johnson, 2013
Lately I see a lot of Marxist propaganda in our country, particularly in the MSM and in education. I know all the slogans because I lived the lies of the communist propaganda for 20 years.

I will start with equal pay, social justice, and equality across the board by government fiat. The commie social justice was equality of misery, hunger, poor, cold, and cramped living conditions, scarcity of food, basic needs, electricity, water, and everything else spoiled brats in America take for granted that is produced by a free market model. The Sochi hotel accommodations are a case in point. To deal with the misery, the workers (the proletariat), which was all of us (except the ruling regime), joked that the “communists pretended to pay us, and we pretended to work.” I choose capitalist inequality any day.
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Political Class and Crony Capitalism

I was elated but very suspicious when communism failed suddenly in Eastern Europe in 1989. I suspected that the communist elites had decided to go underground to recoup and gain the trust of the west while attempting to rebuild their ranks.

The communists’ economic system of surplus was such a dismal failure that it was necessary to hide for a while. People were starving literally and figuratively for capitalism, economic freedom, personal freedom, religious freedom, and a better life for their families. They had reached the breaking point where suffering would change into revolt.
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Defeating the Nemesis Within

“The Elephant does not have a spine right now.” – Trevor Loudon

Trevor Loudon, on a U.S. tour to promote his new book, “The Enemies Within,” began his speech to a packed crowd in Fairfax, Virginia, with the relevant question, “Why does a New Zealander from Christ Church care about America?”

The bestselling author encapsulated his answer into two reasons. First, it was simple gratitude to Americans, our fathers, brothers, and uncles, who sacrificed to save his country during WW II. Secondly, it was a selfish reason. “If America goes down so does the West.” Loudon echoed other patriotic editors like Judi McLeod, and her online publication, Canada Free Press, “… Because without America there is no Free World.”
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