Now It’s “Biotic” and “Fossil” Carbon

Global warming/climate change proponents are a hardy, determined, one-track mind group. They were brainwashed by the elitist powers that, unless we fundamentally alter our way of life and de-develop to subsistence level economies of the Middle Ages, the planet will perish. “We can’t keep developing infinitely on a finite world,” said one of the organizers of a recent protest in Canada.
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Climate Change Deniers, Better Drink the Kool-Aid

“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – Emeritus Professor Daniel Botkin
“Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world. – Harry Reid, U.S. Senate majority leader

Although I’ve had a best-selling book at Amazon since October 2012, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” liberals and conservatives alike have called people like me tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist and “agender” simply because I have done my research and have found ample evidence of the existence of U.N. Agenda 21 Sustainable Development documents and related sites, international bodies, conferences, organizations, initiatives, and local zoning initiatives, changes and restrictions.
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Politics and the Scam of Green

“Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

It is not hard to find supporters of the scam of green in Virginia, but particularly in northern Virginia. The highways are constantly packed with Priuses, Smart Cars, Fiats, and other tin cans covered in bumper stickers of tree huggers, Agenda 21 supporters, pro-choice baby killers, coexist peaceniks, vegetarians, save Tibet, save Darfur advocates, bike to work, solar power, wind power supporters, and other assorted smug environmentalists with their progressive utopian ideals and causes that the rest of us must adopt lest we kill the earth, the polar bears, and the seals. As Paul Watson, the co-founder of Greenpeace, said, “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
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Liberal Doom and Gloom 90 Years Ago

If you told me in 1922 that global warming was going to drown the planet because of melting icebergs, or that “at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared,” replaced by moraines of earth and stones, or that seals vanished, I might have believed you.
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UN’s “Post-2015 Development Agenda” Morphed from “Agenda 21”

The hurried Chinese customer was angry and raising her voice. She was demanding in broken English why the girl behind the cosmetics counter could not understand her long shopping list written in Chinese. “You learn Chinese if you to survive,” she said. The girl’s eyes were brimming with tears at the abusive and rude treatment.
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Global Warming Thy Name is a Manufactured Crisis

How much veracity should you ascribe to global warming theories? Aside from the fact that thousands of scientists across the globe have debunked global warming, consider this – proponents of global warming manufacture or delete data to fit their agenda. University of East Anglia admitted, after being caught, to have deleted data that contradicted their “consensus” hoax.
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What is Sustainability?

“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary lists “sustain” as “to give support or relief to, to nourish, to keep up, prolong. The Barnhart Etymological Dictionary (p. 1098) gives its Latin root of “sustinere” as “to hold up, keep up, support, endure,” as a variant to hold.
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“We’ve Become Rich Plundering the Planet”

I do not watch TV much anymore. There is too much propaganda and re-engineered information to advance the progressive agenda. Historical facts have fallen victim to political correctness and the war on truth is waged on all fronts by progressive liberals from academia, the main stream media, and Hollywood.
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Green Scam, I Am

More and more liberal MSM outlets and environmental groups with deep bank accounts and lavish support from Hollywood celebrities are expanding their propaganda and indoctrination of GREEN to the low information Americans who only hear sound bites delivered with such assurance and expensively made videos that the information seems true. But I see the scam of GREEN, the Green Growth of wealth being redistributed by Uncle Sam, with the help of environmentalists with an agenda that coincides with U.N.’s Agenda 21.
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You Can Never Have Enough Progressivism

One of the many solicitations I received in the mail today asked for $5 donation in order to meet their modest $15,000 goal. The letter was asking me to help them support the not-so-modest “progressive vision for America.” Their vision for America was spelled out in the first line:
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