“Climate Change” Hypocrites and Their Fossil Fuel Guzzling Jets

Vostok ice core team in Antarctica Wikipedia Vostok Ice Core team in Antarctica
Photo: Wikipedia
While the northeast is preparing for Snowmaggedon, 2-3 feet of snow, as if we’ve never had a few feet of snow before, the global warming turned climate change crowd is preparing for the upcoming global climate negotiations in December in Paris. Pharrell Williams tweeted “Let’s unite a billion voices to take #ClimateAction now” urging climate change awareness from his private jet in which he is pictured sitting alone. http://twitchy.com/2015/01/22/does-this-private-jet-make-pharrells-carbon-footprint-look-fat-singer-plugs-live-earth-agenda/ Continue reading

Falling Oil Prices and the Climate Change Agenda

The latest falling oil prices to $55.96 (West Texas Intermediate), dropping from a high of $105 per barrel in June 2014, as a result of increased domestic oil production from fracking, is making the price of $150 per barrel of renewables look ridiculously expensive, not counting the wasted government subsidies in bankrupt solar power companies. The green agenda, which has become a climate change industry, is very lucrative for wealthy climate alarmists and for the United Nations. Continue reading

Global Warming as a Fabricated Moral Issue

snow Laden Photo: Ileana Johnson 2014
The area south of Buffalo, New York was buried this week in 76 inches of snow, quite possibly the largest 24-hour total in U.S. recorded history. At the same time, the desperate advocates of global warming/climate change are finding more novel ways to push their carbon dioxide reduction and carbon footprint taxation in order to redistribute the wealth from the United States to the rest of the world. Continue reading

Climate Change Causes Everything So Let’s Fundamentally Change Our Economy

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

Photo: Ileana Johnson, 2014

As the global warming alarmists tell us that the science is settled, there is no debate, and government bureaucrats are going full-speed ahead with taxation plans that will further weaken our already suffering economy, honest and wise politicians like Delegate Scott Lingamfelter of Virginia ask, “let’s see the physical science, not the political science before we strap Americans with huge taxes as the Obama Administration wants to do.” We should not formulate public policy such as carbon tax when the real science is constantly changing. Continue reading

The Climate Change Industry

“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
– John Adams, a Defense of the American Constitutions

York River

York River

I am not sure who coined the term “climate change industry” but it is an apt description of the snake oil salesmen who have become billionaires on the unfounded fear of debunked global warming and of climate change based on manufactured consensus science.
The climate has been changing for millennia in cyclical periods dominated by either unusually cold or unusually hot temperatures. It is convenient to the promoters of the climate change industry to deliberately confound weather events with climate. Continue reading

Butler on Business, September 11, 2014

My radio segment about the GAO report verifying the OMB’s numbers on the social costs of global warming and how they arrived at consensus numbers based on arbitrary academic modeling. I come on at the 34 minute mark.

Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon-Driven “Consensus” Global Warming

alone in the snow
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) publicly released a 36 page review on August 25, 2014 about the regulatory impact the “development of social cost of carbon estimates” would have on our economy and what methods the developers used to assess the social cost. www.gao.gov/assets/670/665016.pdf Continue reading

Butler on Business, Liberty Express Radio, August 27, 2014

My two radio segments with Alan Butler on August 27, 2014. I come on at the 34 minute mark. We discussed the faux global warming, the daily indoctrination on climate change from the Washington Post, the latest on the tax scam. We also talked about the disability insurance which will be allegedly tapped out by mid-2016.

Taxing Carbon in the Name of Climate Change

volcanic eruptionThe former Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin wrote in Washington Post on July 27, 2014, “How ignoring climate change could sink the U.S. economy.”
Not counting the non-enforced southern border and the hordes of new and lawless Democrat citizens who demand their fair share of the American dream now turned into a welfare nightmare, the national debt is most likely to sink the economy sooner than any other variable and that includes climate change that has been changing for millennia. Continue reading

The Dinosaur Exhibit Will Close for Five Years

National Natural History Museum
The National Fossil Hall at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History will receive its “first nearly-complete” T. Rex specimen on April 15, 2014 during a live webcast ceremony. The Fossil Hall will close its doors on April 28, 2014 to undergo “the largest and most complex renovation” which will last five years. When the National Fossil Hall reopens in 2019, the dinosaur will become the centerpiece of the newly renovated museum. http://naturalhistory.si.edu/fossil-hall/
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